
John W. Frei

July 26, 2023 | 8 comments

John W. Frei, 81, passed away Monday July 24, 2023 at 1:01pm at Gundersen Health System in La Crosse, WI. He was born on July 9th1942 to Vernon and Katherine (Yakel) Frei.  He married Virginia Straus on September 16th 1967 at St. Peter Catholic church, in Oshkosh.

He was an avid golfer and reader.   He loved to play chess and  bridge.  He and his wife cruised most of the Caribbean as annual vacations. He was a gifted artist both acrylic and oil.   He also was a 4th degree in the Father John Rossiter Counsel 9385.  Most of all he was a loving and caring father and husband and grandfather who will be missed greatly.

He is survived by his wife Virginia, daughters Corinne Marie Billet and Carolyn Marie Harding. Grandson John William Frei, granddaughter Rebecca Ann Billet, sister Jeanne Griffith.

He is preceded in death by both parents, Gary Frei brother, Kitty Frei sister in law, Michael Frei nephew,

A funeral mass will be held at 11:00 am on Friday, July 28, 2023 at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish in Holmen.  Visitation will be held from 9:00 am until the time of the mass at the church.



  1. Teresa Heidel

    Virginia and family, I’m so very sorry for your great loss. John was my boss for many years. I looked up to him as a 2nd Dad and I teased him about this. Especially his special lunches Ginny would make, but he had his special “carrots” as he called them- Cheetos to go with his sandwich. Gosh so many great memories of a very special man!!

    • Corinne M Billet

      Thank you Teresa,

      The whole family wants to thank you for you kind words about John. It is wonderful to know he made such an impact on you and others at Trane. He was wonderful in so many ways and we miss him so.

      Thank you

  2. Roger Wolfert

    John was a great friend, I will miss him. We enjoyed many rounds of golf together. We shared many similar points of view on politics and life and I always valued his perspective. You have my deepest condolences.

  3. Linda L Mills

    I know John from the TRGA golf tournaments and also the LaCrosse Druplicate Bridge Club. What a pleasant man with a nice personality. He will be greatly missed.

  4. Sam Hall

    John was a great boss and valued mentor. He was generous with his experience and I appreciated everything he did for me. I will miss him and his wonderful sense of humor. Condolences to his family and many friends.

  5. Fred and Cheryl Lanzel

    Ginny and Family. We are very sorry for your loss. Our condolences. John was a great friend and Brother Knight with the KC’s in Holmen, Wi. at St. Elizabeth’s where he was a Past Grand Knight. He seemed to always beat me at Chess games and we enjoyed our once a month outings to area restaurants. I’ll always remember the occasional euchre games too. May he rest in peace.

  6. Theresa Merrill

    Ginny and Family! I work with John at Trane company and sure enjoyed working with him! He was a great guy and will be missed! So sorry for your loss

  7. Greg Fiegen

    Very sorry to hear about John passing away from Steve Prosser. I Played chess with John in the old Trane chess league. John played from 2003 until 2017 when the tournament league finally folded. It was mainly retired guys at the end.

    He was a very nice guy and fun to play chess against. He was a little bit sneaky.

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