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Jacob D. Hulburt

September 27, 2024 | 13 comments

On May 17th, 1999, we first heard your heartbeat and on Thanksgiving Day 11-25-1999 we were blessed with the birth of our son Jacob Daniel Hulburt. On 9-1-2024 Jacob became an Angel in Heaven because God had a bigger purpose with all of his talents and gifts that he had to share. Jacob, you shared grace to others with your hands. You did so many amazing projects with those hands and brilliant mind. You could look at something or have a thought and the wheels started turning, no blueprint needed. Your skills were unreal, and you would go from one project to another. Jacob with your hands and mind you were a leader to many, a teacher to both young and old, and a giver to all. Thank you for being our son, you are the best and we will always love and cherish you.

Mom and Dad (Tanya and Shane Hulburt)

My Dear Jacob, You were Grandpa and my first grandchild, truly a Thanksgiving blessing. You were the precious baby Jesus in the Christmas pageant, and now you are with Him. You turned into a wonderful young man with a servant’s heart. I admire all the accomplishments and adventures you completed in your short life; I am so proud. You gave me the book “Wood Song” by Gary Paulsen to read to Grandpa. I will re-read that book and use the bookmark you made when you were 11. You are so talented. Thank you for giving so much to enrich my life. There is an emptiness in my heart that will never be filled. Every time I see a monarch butterfly, it will be a gentle reminder of you.

Love you till I see you again.

Grandma (Vickie) Hulburt

God’s Garden

God looked around his garden and found an empty space. He then looked down upon earth and saw your loving face. He put his arms around you and lifted you to rest. God’s Garden must be beautiful. He always takes the best. It broke our hearts to lose you, but you did not go alone. For part of us went with you, the day God called you home.

Love your sister,

Hannah Hulburt

Jacob, my beloved older brother. An embodiment of art. Even on a day like today, when rain showers the ground, your unwavering spirit intensifies and blossoms. My brother’s flowered eyes further along my ambition; our memories leave me with a smile.

Love your brother,

David Hulburt

Dear Jake, as you know, we all miss you dearly. People who knew you knew you had a personality that overlooked many others, a wonderful smile for this beautiful world. Many of us know you had an aura so magnetic, that made others gravitate towards you without even trying. The time I spent with you I will forever cherish. I will forever draw inspiration from the things you have built, and I will forever admire that colorful personality of yours.

Rest in peace, Jacob.

Love Andrea

Jacob, I was blessed to have you in my life, and I will always be grateful for the lessons you’ve taught me. Know that I’ll always love and admire you.

I’m carrying your love with me.


Jacob, I thank you for always being a kind and humble guy. You were always there for us.

We will love you and will always miss you.


Jake, you had such a beautiful soul. Your smile lit up any room, your laugh so contagious. You were always so kind to everyone ~ that is what I loved the most about you. I’m so glad that I got to call you, my friend.

You will forever be loved and dearly missed.


Jake, when I first got to meet you, your whole family came to my place for some summer fun. You were a quiet, young boy who would never leave your dad’s side. Because of that, you learned to become a gifted sportsman fishing, hunting and trapping. As you grew you started building from the scrap you collected. You built a riding lawn mower that would go thirty miles per hour. Your senior year I took you as an intern. I knew you would learn quickly and become an asset to Empire. Almost immediately you were machining, welding, plumbing, and wiring. You went on to school to learn to be a welder and then joined the Empire team full time in the machine shop. It was great. After a brief period of time together you learned to read my mind. While we were wiring, I wouldn’t even have to ask you just did it, handed me the right tool, or the right part, (THE WOW FACTOR). You left Empire to work at C&C (broke my heart) for a year or so. You came back, and that is when we became the best of friends. You got even better with your hands, thinking and working as you went. Being able to build things with ease and doing things that would have taken the average man four times as long. The last couple of years we would hunt, fish, trap and even farm together; and yes, even partied together. You left the Empire team last year. We stayed in touch; I would text you just about daily and talk to you in person twice a week. I will always miss you, Jake. Your journey here is not yet over. You are still with me, and you will be by my side forever. I have already gone fishing and you were there. I’ve gone hunting and you were there. I soon will be chopping corn, and you will be there. You would always call me Uncle Jeffy to show your love to me.

I will always love you Jake and you will always be my great friend.


Jake was a guaranteed smile to brighten up your day. He loved to help others no matter what he was doing he was a people pleaser to a fault. Jake was the greatest listener. He really loved to let his hair down with a few friends. He would always strive for perfection in everything he did. I’ve often wondered why this happened, and I truly believe God needed an angel with all his amazing abilities and his tireless drive to get the job done.


A Celebration of Life will be held from 2-4PM Friday, October 4, 2024 at The Gathering Place, 133 Mason Dr. Onalaska, WI 54650

Please come casually dressed, C&C apparel, Empire shirts or in pink with your favorite story about Jacob to share!



  1. Allan Wolfe

    There is not ever the right thing to say at these moments in life.
    All I can say is how sorry I am and how much I believe that Jesus is waiting for us all. Not a day goes by that Roxy and I don’t wonder how you are doing and we talk of the prayers that we say to help heal your empty hearts.
    Touch base when you feel ready until then we are praying. Allan and Roxy.

    • Ron F

      Jake, We knew each other but never had not got to meet in person yet, Im a friend of your dad Shane about 5 yrs now and proud to have him as a friend. He always talked highly of you and all of your accomplishments and you would help anyone. You are skilled in so many ways. My heart, thoughts and prayers go out to the entire family and friends to look over all of you and try to comfort everyone in this time of need.
      – Ron F

  2. James Perry


    You came to me, referred by a good friend, and it was off to the Races for us.

    I had never met a young Man with such poise and competence….I was looking to hire a “WorkerBee”, and there you were, as ready to take on the role as anyone I have ever met.
    There was absolutely nothing which you could’t do or accomplish.

    As I would assign you a new task, I could see the Wheels turning, and by the time you had closed the fifty or more paces necessary to get to the job, you would already have your moves Blueprinted out, and immediately begin moving Forward, with a great sense of purpose.

    You are the Son I never had.
    If to have had you as a Son, it would have been the rough equivalent of winning the Lottery.

    Shake the Genetic Dice a Hundred Thousand times, and you might get a Jake, bit I doubt it.

    His Brilliance, his trustworthiness, honesty, resoursefullness….They are typically the stuff of Legend.

    His Intellignece was off the charts.

    I know that you and your Pop were a Team, and I can only imagine the depth with which Shane feels your absense.
    I had run into your Pop and Mom in the old Festival, one late day, and in that brief exchange, I could clearly detect the depth of the Love which your Mom held for you.
    You came from fine and strong Stock….no wonder you brought so very much with you into this World.

    I know, at best, very few people who I respect as highly as I do you….
    Clearly, you earned it, Jake.
    I’ll sure hope to see you again….If so, I’ll know that I landed in the right place.

    • Connie Peterson

      Dear Jake’s family, my heart aches for all of you! I had the pleasure of watching him grow up while working at Empire. Tanya would occasionally bring the kids in to see dad when she dropped off her famous fruit pizza we loved. Jake grew into a fine young man. I had the pleasure of seeing him again after I quit Empire at Jeff’s tractor ride. I was so impressed by him. The world has lost a truly phenomenal human. God bless you all.

  3. Tanya Hulburt

    Jacob~I love you to the moon and back. I look at your photos and my eyes see beauty ~ Guide me to move forward with this journey. My heart aches with the loss of you~Mom

  4. Julie

    To Jacob’s Mom and Dad, Grandma, Siblings and Dear Friends,
    I didn’t know your Jacob but I sure wish I did. He sounds like an amazing, gifted and truly special young man. Without a doubt he touched many people in a very tender and deep way. You have all honored Jacob with such meaningful and touching words.
    I couldn’t help but cry as I read your words of true love and appreciation for him.
    Given the depth of love and respect you all have for Jacob, I can only imagine the depth of your grief. Sometimes it’s extremely difficult to understand God’s plan for each one of us but it sounds as though Jacob’s soul has been given to God and God has gifted each of you the beautiful memories that will allow Jacob to live forever in your hearts.
    I will light a candle in honor of Jacob.
    With my deepest sympathy to all of you.

  5. Meenan Yang


    Thank you for being my childhood friend that I would actually get to hangout with afterschool. We would get home from school and always ride our bikes till sun down. Thank you for showing me what childhood love felt like. Thank you for sitting next to me on the bus rides. I always looked forward to our bus rides home and our play dates afterschool. I remember how talented, unique, and smart you were with the scraps my family would give you or just the creations you would make. It saddens me that we also grew apart.

    Your family will always hold a special place in my heart, and I promise to look out for them too. I have a son now, and I wish you could’ve met him. He’ll be playing with your nephews in the same yards where we spent our childhood.

    You are a beautiful soul and you’ve left a lasting impact on my life. I can’t wait to ride our bikes together again!

  6. Coulee Region Cremation Group

    Dear Jacob, I only met you as a toddler a few times. I then got to know you better thru Grandma Carol. She was so proud of her grandson. She would tell me of your scavenger adventures, you were so proud of your finds. She told me how you would rebuild things and sell them; nothing was ever junk to you, it all had a purpose. She was so proud of your hunting skills, and your latest captures. I wish I would have known you as an adult, you sound like a wonderful young man. Our paths will soon cross. See you in Heaven young man. Love Auntie, Mary

  7. Angie Pierce

    Shane, Tanya, & Family , I am so very sorry for your loss. I won’t be able to go to Jacob’s celebration of life, I’ll be in South Dakota. I’ll be there in memories. Tubing-him helping me get up, his pink toes, his smile. My son Matthew & him deciding to walk to Matthew’s house, until a police officer brought him back to Grandma Vickie’s . You will be missed Jake. Always in our hearts & prayers.♥️

  8. Russ

    Jake was an amazing talent! Not sure how else to put it. It didn’t matter what he was working on, he would figure it out and complete it. Using his great imagination and creativity he could tackle anything. Jake’s self motivation set him apart. Not only was Jake fun to be around but he was a great person too. Many good times my friend! Jake you will be missed by all!


  9. Shane Hulburt

    Uncle Jacob, thank you for being there when we caught our first fish. We loved it when you would push us on the swing. We both play with the cars you got us and like to line them up in a row like you did when you were our age.

    We love and miss you,

    Beckett and Brexton

  10. Jeff Meyer

    When someone says “that person is a natural” , that would be my description of Jake. With a do anything attitude and skill set to match, he always impressed with everything he did. His old school work ethic is unmatched these days. We had a running joke in the shop. “well I an no Jake” or “its no Jake part”. Jake made art out of metal, not just parts. He was and will always be held with the highest respect. Jake has made me laugh so many times when I needed it the most. His under the breath comments or the stunts at a Christmas. The Snap Chats we shared after many a “corn cob” (Bush lights). He could always bring the laughs and smiles out.

    To family and friends, I am so very sorry for your loss.

    To Jake, as we all do, I really miss you my friend.

    JD Meyer

  11. Stacie Boisen

    I’m so sorry for your loss. I’m unable to make the celebration but your family are in my thoughts and prayers.

    Stacie B.


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